Friday, January 17, 2014

Yes...Ok...that's what you think...but what are we going to DO about it?

Generally speaking, I am not easily frustrated.  I do not give in to the impatience of life very often.  I'm sure that I learned this through the many years of dealing with the children I have subjected myself to.  That being the case, when frustration overwhelms me, it's usually on issues bigger than the broken microwave or the cat poop under the couch. 

One thing that frustrates me is the argument over Democrat and Republican...or Libertarian...or whatever label you stick on your shirt.  In my mind, this is maybe the most ridiculous and dangerous behavior Americans display. 

I honestly don't give a rat's ass.  If you tell me you're one or the other, I'm probably going to say, "Well, bully for your side."  (It's happened.  Very socially awkward.)  Your being a member of a political party is not only a useless waste of your mental time and loyalty, it's childish.  If you think the bigwigs in Washington give a fig about your politics, good luck with that.

What it says to me is that you are incapable of making a decision about what you think on an issue, or who you trust, unless a whole shit-ton of other people believe it, too.  I don't need you to agree with me to know that my vote for Obama was the biggest mistaken vote I've ever made in my life.  (There have been a few others, but nothing like this!  OY VEY!)  I don't need you to agree with me to vote on who will be in charge, though I probably should make wiser choices.

When people ask me about my politics, I tell them I'm an American.  I don't vote in primaries because I don't care about party politics.  I have tried to make it a policy to never put my name down for a party.  My young adult self might have done it at some point, but frankly, there are certain gaps in my memory, so it's hard to be sure.  ;)

I want to shake my fist at it.  I want to yell and scream and stamp my feet.  Are you an American??  ARE YOU?  Don't you freaking understand what that means?!  You have a better life living in the trailer court and working at the Piggly Wiggly than most of the world will ever hope to be able to imagine.  Most importantly, it means you live in a place where doing those things is even possible to do. 

Why can't we stop talking about parties, and start talking about problems?  Why aren't we discussing the issues instead of the ideals?  Why aren't we looking for solutions instead of pointing fingers?  Do you know whose fault it is?  It's yours.  It's mine.  It's the fault of every, single American of voting age in this country.  Now that that's settled, what the hell are we going to DO about it?