Sunday, April 26, 2015

Indifference is not discrimination

Today, I got accused of being a bigot against gays because I made a joke about gays being assholes and "stealing the rainbow."  The matter pissed me off a little, because it was someone who already knows my actual feelings on gays and gay marriage, and still they tried to paint me out to be a bigot.  I wanted to expound on that and express myself on the matter.

Let me make myself clear.  I simply don't care about gays or gay marriage.  To me, the whole matter is a non-issue.  Truly.  I know it's the popular cause of the day, and society requires that I involve myself, but I simply don't care.  Indifference is not discrimination.

Society assumes that everyone is required to have an opinion on all matters..especially this matter.  I simply don't care who people fuck.  The end is coming and judgement is near. You can have that conversation with the King when that time comes...not my problem.  In the meantime, I wish you all the happiness in the world and I hope you find all the joy that life can bring you, however you find it. 

I care about real issues, not gay wedding cakes.  I care about hunger.  That's a real issue.  I care about religious persecution.  I care about bees dying.  I care about my grandchildren living in a genetically modified world.   I care about the state of the environment.  I care about literacy.  I care about drought in California, and the encroaching danger of Islam among our ranks.  I care about Fukushima, and the effect on our oceans.  I care about Nepal and Baltimore and Ferguson.  I care about 9/11 and Benghazi.  I care about the war in the Middle East.  I care about American soldiers dying overseas.  I care about children being made into slaves and sex toys.  I care about rape.  I care about housing people, clothing people, loving people, teaching people, and feeding people, and providing them medicine.  I care about cultural resources, and protecting them for future generations.  I care about animals and their well-being, and trees, and teaching children how to take care of both.  Who anyone screws is not, in my opinion, an important globally impacting issue.

Yet, my apathy on this non-issue somehow automatically labels me a bigot.  Where did common sense and critical thinking go?  When did apathy become the same as action?  When did it be a requirement that I support the cause of the day?

I have an expression: My cause is not your cause.

I don't expect people to automatically make the things I think are important a priority in their own lives.  I don't expect, standing in line at the grocery store, that the guy in front of me cares about legalization of marijuana, domestic violence, or end times prophecy.  I assume that my cause is not your cause.  Please STOP trying to shove your cause down my throat.  I don't have to care who you fuck, or who you marry, and I don't have to support your rights in that area, and public shaming and peer pressure is not going to force me to change my mind. 

Wasn't it nice when the fashionable causes WERE important matters, like saving lives and saving our natural resources?  Feeding the starving and stopping wars? Providing medical care to children and stopping the spread of AIDS?  Now we live in a country where punishing people because they don't participate in the fashionable cause of the day is considered acceptable.  Way to go, America.  You've rendered yourself useless.